I am in Texas this week for my job. I am an Instuctional Desinger - for those that don't know - which is a fancy term for "I write training".
I have spent the better part of the last three months working on part of a two week training course that started last week. I was home for the first week training our ATL techs... this week I am in Texas training the folks here. The part of my team that was in Texas last week flip-flopped and are in ATL. It is only fair that we get do it that way so we can be home with our families instead of being gone for two weeks straight.
But guess what that means?
I have to fly through/around/over Hurricane Isaac tomorrow on my way home.
I am already a nervous flyer and the anticipation of bad-hurricane-type-turbulance is making me nauseous. BUT there is nothing I can do about it, right? I can only be prepared for the worst... and be happy when it goes smooth.
Keep your fingers crossed for me. Please?
6 years ago
It's strange, but when the plane starts bouncing from turbulence, I go to sleep. It's like being rocked to sleep I guess. But you should be fine and be able to get out okay. Just rain here.
I would rather fly through it [when/if they okay the flight] then have to be living through what those poor people on the ground are going to face in the next few days/weeks.
If there was any danger to the aircraft you wouldn't be taking off - and they will probably fly you above it all anyway so I suspect you will be a okay.
I will be thinking of you and keeping my fingers crossed that you aren't too nauseous, stressed, nervous, 'kay.
And don't kid yourself - I hate flying so much that one time I went to visit my Mom [by flying to SC] - hated it so much that I turned my return ticket in and bought a brand new car to drive home. I swear, hand to God, true story. I can empathize. :)
Talk to you soon. Love ya!
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