My Daily Reads

My Peeps

Love Around the World


Friday, December 12, 2008

Get outta my freakin way

I have started driving in to work. Why?
  1. It is COLD outside and I don't want to stand around waiting for the bus
  2. I can sleep an hour later and get to work at the same time
  3. I can leave whenever I want
  4. It is cheaper to pay to park than it is to ride the bus

There is one thing, however, that I miss about riding. Someone else had to deal with the idiots on the road.

  • Do NOT drive in the far left lane (aka the FAST lane) and go the speed limit. If there is a loooong line of cars behind you and, one by one, they go around you... you need to GET OVER.
  • Do NOT pull in front of me to "pass" another car, but go the SAME SPEED as the car you are wanting to pass.
  • Do NOT ride my ass when I am already going 80, there are people in front of me, and the other lanes are moving slower. I will not move over. I am going with the flow of traffic. I would get a ticket if I were a single car and clocked by the local po-po.

Just stay out of my way. Stay in the other three right lanes if you can't keep up with traffic speeds. And for heavens sake... if there are NO cars in front of you for at least the length of a football field and there are cars behind you, please move your butt to the right. You won't get a ticket... we will.


Libby's Library said...

OH MY GOSH - YOU SOUND JUST LIKE MY HUSBAND!!! To hear him talk - as if he was the only sane person out on the highways. Everyone else is an idiot. Soooooo I guess that you are in good company!I'll be sure to send him a link to this post.
Take a deep breath, and remember that this is the season of happiness and goodwill! (I just ducked in case you threw something at your computer:)

Becky said...

What state are you drivng in??? So I will be on the look out for you and move over. Just kidding, I know what you mean. The parking lot at the grocery where we shop is madness and mayhem. I think I would rather be hungry than go there this time a year...NOT. Have to have food!! Keep your cool and count to 10.

Becky said...

What state are you drivng in??? So I will be on the look out for you and move over. Just kidding, I know what you mean. The parking lot at the grocery where we shop is madness and mayhem. I think I would rather be hungry than go there this time a year...NOT. Have to have food!! Keep your cool and count to 10.

Alekx said...

Arughhhhh the Dallas Ft Worth area is so that way. Or the old dude who thinks the fast lane is for doing 10 miles under the speed limit.
I work for the po po and wish my boys would get out there and write tickets for those jerks causing traffic hazards.

Anonymous said...

OMG, the people drive the exact same way here in Jersey/Philly. Maybe they all went to the same driving school?
