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Love Around the World


Friday, November 16, 2007

Tag... I'm it

I'm on vacation today! YAY me!


I'm going to get a mammogram this afternoon. Fun stuff.

Lisa tagged me to do the 7 facts meme. I've been thinking and pondering for a week now about what you do NOT know about me. I've pretty much laid it all out here, but I'll see if I can come up with anything new.

Here's the rules:
1-Link to your tagger (see above), and also post these rules on your blog.
2-Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3-Tag 7 people at the end of your post (see below) by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4- Let them know they are TAGGED by leaving a comment on their blog.

Alright, let's see...
  1. I chew on the inside my cheek -- along with twirling my hair -- whenever I am in deep thought.
  2. When I was little I thought there were little men in stop lights that ran up and down ladders to change the light.
  3. I would rather spend my money on books than music, clothes, shoes, or groceries.
  4. Thanks to Biddie, I am now hooked on Facebook. If you want to be my friend, just let me know. I only have six friends and I think they are getting tired of me sending them stuff.
  5. I really, really, really want to do the Amazing Race with Carl.
  6. I have a lead foot. If I'm not speeding, I'm not driving.
  7. There are two jobs I would LOVE to have -- a DJ at a radio station or doing voice-over work.

There you have it. Some silly stuff...

Now to tag some folks:

  1. Biddie
  2. Coffeypot
  3. CCW
  4. Canadian Flake
  5. Burfica
  6. CindyDianne
  7. Skippy


Lisa said...

Little men in lights... LOL!! That's funny!! Thanks for playing. :)

Unknown said...

My response to Item #3 would be the same as yours. I love books. I have hundreds of them and a dozen full sized book shelves crammed to over flowing. I try to spend an hour each day reading and an hour writing. Both keep me grounded and contented.

China Doll said...

Hey, look at you with the linky! On the non-updated blogs sidebar! Aw, sad. But I'm back. I'm just over here now. Glad everything's going well.

Coffeypot said...

I'll give it a try later. Too excited about seeing the kiddies later today to think about facts.

katy said...

i twirl me hair but i also put is in knots and then sometimes have to cut the knots out!
he he he little men in the lights, classic, but did coffeypot have anything to do with that?!
hope the mammagram went ok x

Biddie said...

I am sooo far behind again.
I still can NOT do links, but I will do my best.
I am with you on the book thing. I must have 15 sitting here, waiting for my head to quiet down so that I can read again.

Coaster Punchman said...

I do the cheek chewing thing too which can really get to be an annoyance when I over do it. And then it makes it easier to bite your cheek while eating which really sucks.

You do have a nice voice (from the Bug dancing video) for voice-overs or radio work. Just be sure never to use the term "radio face" when describing yourself! :)

whatevergirl said...

You have always twirled your hair, but, then I have known you for a LOOONG time...
I LOVE the Amazing Race too!!!!! Would that not be the bomb to be on that show?!!!
Hubby is in so much better shape than I am that if we were on the show, he might as well just backpack me on his back and do the whole thing on his own!!!

Valerie said...

I'm on Facebook too...I've been spending more time there recently than on the do I add you as a friend?