My Daily Reads

My Peeps

Love Around the World


Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I got in trouble at work today. It seems some of my IM's are not appropriate for work... and they have recorded them. They threatened to send them to my manager...

Little do they know she is one of the people I was IM'ing!

Guess I can't talk about movies, fantasy football, the kids, or drinking while at work.

Go figure.

Won't be IM'ing anyone anytime soon. That pisses me off. Nothing like being 40 years old and feeling like I'm in third grade and had to see the principle.



Cup said...

IMs and e-mails are usually stored for two years. I know people who have come close to getting fired. Be careful, or the principal may paddle you.

Marni said...

Luckily my boss is pretty cool. She thought is was ridiculous and told me not to worry about it.

Still - I'm done.

GrizzBabe said...


Coffeypot said...

At least you didn't get in house suspension. Or have to write on the chalkboard 500 times, “I will not IM shitty stuff again.”

CindyDianne said...

That does suck. And dammit. I had things to say to you today! Grrr!

Lisa said...


We've got an internal IM system that I'm sure they log everything on. Needless to say, we don't say much.

whatevergirl said...

Those big companies have the resources to treat you like a 1st grader!! We have the same thing...I get blocked from nearly every website I try to search, and I have never put anything offensive in the search. Also, my boss told me that if you cuss in an email, a notification is sent to him. How ridiculous! I told him, "That is ok. I use special characters for my 4 letter words." He kind of chuckled. But our IMs are recorded so everything I have vented about him could be recalled AAAHH! Nothing I wouldn't say to his face if asked because I am 40 years old--like you say!! and a bit cheeky.

KLee said...

What jerks! Sorry that you got called on the carpet. That's not fun.

Canadian flake said...

holy crap...I don't blame you for wanting to be careful...I could see if you were having cyber sex they might have cause to be upset...but realllyyyyyy, they need to chill

Special K said...

Why did they target you and not your manager? Are they recording everyone's IMs? If so, fine, policy and policy...but if you're not the only person who uses the IM feature it doesn't sound very consistent.

wow, I really didn't mean for this to sound so cold. Here's a hug:

katy said...

and then they will take away your linch break to stop you talking to colleagues! oh well guess the bosses have to do something to make them feel superior!

Drier said...

I was fired this morning for blogging. From home. About work. Even though I never mention my company by name. Read about it here.

Let me serve as a cautionary tale.