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Love Around the World


Friday, May 18, 2007

A little bit more

CCW has tagged me for an 8 things meme. I know you are enthralled by my life (not)... so here you go.

The rules:

-Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
-People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
-At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
-Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.


  1. I twirl my hair. I take a small section of hair and twist it around my pointer finger. This is most commonly done while driving, watching TV, or when I'm bored.

  2. My paper money MUST be in chronological order and facing in the same direction.

  3. I throw my change into my purse and let it collect on the bottom. I swear when I finally rid my purse of the change, it is about 2 pounds lighter. I usually don't clean out my purse until my shoulder starts hurting.

  4. I sucked my thumb until I was 17. After middle school (I think) I only did it in my sleep. My senior year I finally decided I had had enough. I slept with a wool glove on my hand with a string tied around my wrist so I couldn't take it off. It only took a couple of days to break the habit.

  5. One of my favorite bands of ALL. TIME. is the Stray Cats. I have all their albums, a few imports, and still sport a crush for Brian Setzer.

  6. I don't do laundry. When Carl and I got married I did the laundry -- until the day I caught him re-folding his clothes. I told him "FINE." If he didn't like how I did it, he could do it himself; 14 years later and he still does. I'll do a load here and there, but that is HIS job.

  7. When I get pedicures in the summer I always get a design put on my big toes. Bug has started doing it, too.

  8. I've had one hamburger in the last 3 years. (and that was about a week ago) Since my surgery, the texture and smell of the meat and bread together makes me nauseous.

Now the hard part... who to tag. I'm too lazy today to pick eight folks, SOOOOO if you want to play along let me know when your eight little tid-bits are up so I can come read them. That's a cop out I know, but hey... it's Friday. And like I said... I'm feeling lazy.


Valerie said...

You can tag me...I don't have anything else to write about...

Anonymous said...

How do you get a design on your big toe? Is it like a tattoo that comes off later?? Just wondering b/c I might want that too!! Heehee

Marni said...

Consider yourself tagged, Valerie!

As for the design, it is painted on. I'd take a picture, but feet gross me out in general and I don't want to post pictures of my toes... shudder.

ccw said...

My mom does the hair twirling thing.

That is quite a cure you developed for the thumb sucking. My cousin still (36) sucks her thumb when she gets upset.

Please send Carl here. We always have laundry, Mr. MFBA somehow messes it up, and I loathe the never ending chore.

I like the toe idea. I always have my toe nails painted so this would be a nice change.

Anonymous said...

I haven't had a pedicure in waaayy too long... but I like to get designs, too!

And, I totally do the hair twirl thing. My mom does, too.

Change at the bottom of my purse? Guilty.

katy said...

not only do i twirl my hair i tie it in knots, lots and lots of knots, then undo it, and yes sometimes i have to pull strands of hair out!

Biddie said...

I do the same thing with the paper money in my wallet. Drives me crazy if I have dig around to find all of my 5's, or whatever.
I never really ever sucked my thumb, but I STILL sleep with a teddy bear. If I don't, than I end up stealing Shawns blanket or pillow....

KLee said...

I do the bill money thing as well. Comes from having a mother in banking. She got me started on that, and now I'm anal about it.

I don't do the change thing, though. I have a little compartment in my car, and I do put a lot of my change in there. Right before we go on vacation, we wrap it all up, and give it to Offspring for spending money.