My Daily Reads

My Peeps

Love Around the World


Thursday, April 19, 2007


Bug came home the other day puffed up with pride.

"Mom," she said, "I turned in my AR book today and got a new one!"

(AR is the Accellerated Reader (if that is how you spell it, sorry!) program at her school. She reads a book and tests on it. If she passes she can get another book at a higher level... the more she reads the more points she gets. Those points add up to prizes)

M: You did? Did you take your test?

B: I didn't finish the book. I turned it in because it had bad words in it.

M: Really? What kind of bad words?

B: Yep. It had the B word and the A word! I turned it in because I think I'm too young to be reading that kind of trash.

M: (Trying not to laugh) Good girl! I'm proud of you for that!

I don't know about you, but if that had been ME in the third grade, I would have kept that puppy and read it all. Nothing better than reading something forbidden.

Can you say Judy Blume?


Biddie said...

Wow. What an amazing little girl. I would have loved a book with bad words when I was a kid. Blubber was one of my fav's, actually.
You must be proud of her.

KLee said...

Wow -- now there's a girl with standards! Good for her! (Though, like you, I would have probably kept it and read it all the way through, and probably made a mental list of all the bad words, and in which context they were used....)

Marni said...

Her book wasn't Judy Blume... it was one called Soup. (I think that is what she said it was)

Judy Blume books are the ones that I snuck around and read because they were so racy!

Ann said...

Wow, you must have been so proud. I'm pretty sure I would have kept reading. LOL.
About Judy Blume, oh my does that bring back memories. I remember reading "Forever" as a young teenager. Boy, did that open my eyes!!! I've been reading racy novels ever since.

katy said...

too right i would have read the book, good on her though

The Boob Lady said...

Me too! I would have kept that book and used those words.

Only in the proper context of course.

STILL, in my late twenties, I will "catch" my parents using a "bad" word and will then coin it as "The word of the day."

I will then use it as often as possible while speaking with them.

Cracks me up.

Coaster Punchman said...

I'm still trying to figure out what the "B Word" is.

Marni said...

Bitch, CP....

DJ Andi said...

Too funny. I would have shown all my friends the book I was reading and probably highlight all the bad words just so they could be seen quickly.

Love Judy Blume. I was not much of a reader, but later I read some of her stuff.