Our old house had a yard that was big enough to require a riding lawn mower. Being that I DO NOT do yard work, Carl was pretty happy when I told him I would cut the grass if I could use the riding mower. He agreed and every two weeks I would cut the grass and he would weed-eat (or weed-whack… whatever you call it).
I had a system. I had a path that I would follow every time… until this particular day.
On this day, I decided I would cut the grass under the swing set a new, faster, easier way. Normally, I would get off the mower and tie the swings to the top. Today I just wanted to go right through them… I’m lazy like that. The two swings were on ropes… they would move out of the way… right?
I proceed to maneuver the mower through the swings. One of the seats catches the front of the mower and slowly. Oh. So. Slowly begins to tilt me backwards.
I’m terrified. I can’t move. I can’t stop the inevitable. I’m looking at the sky – not the grass.
I’m lying on my back in the backyard screaming for Carl. The mower is still running but the blades have disengaged (I didn’t know that though). I’m still sitting like I’m driving it but it now looks like an overturned vehicle (which it is) with a crazy woman freaking out underneath it. Carl is in the front oblivious to the drama happening in the backyard.
It seemed like FOREVER until Carl realized I was not mowing any longer. He didn’t hear the normal grass-cutting sounds coming and going like he normally did. He peeked around the corner and came running.
After he got me out from under the mower and bitched me out for a few minutes, he finally started laughing and couldn’t stop. I started crying from embarrassment but eventually had to admit that is probably looked hysterical!
This sounds like something I would do. I'm glad you survived this ordeal. I swear I am not laughing. :)
I'm not lucky enough to own a riding mower, nor is our yard technically big enough to need one, but this sounds like EXACTLY something that would happen to me. Except -- I would have the added humiliation of some self-inury in there.
I'm not laughing, either, particularly since I've spent this weekend in pain and feeling "trapped." I'm sorry you had to go through that, but was very relieved that Carl managed to get to you and help.
This isn't so much dorky as hysterical. :)
Honestly, I've heard worse. I have. This was pretty funny, tho. luckily, you weren't hurt. If you were, then I would guilty about laughing.
If only that new camera phone had been in hand at the time ...
ha ha he he no no i am not laughing honest! he he ha ha
That's scary. My parents have a riding mower and my mom got hurt using it once and hasn't since. I was released from yard work forever after that :-).
HAHAH!! I'm not laughing AT you, I'm laughing WITH you.
That is funny!! And, yes (hehe) I am laughing!!
oh Lawd! That is a good one. I'll be thinking about mine, but there are so many!
That is funny, but thank God you are ok! I would have been terrified. Reminds of me of Iowa farmers with their corn picker accidents.
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