but I really hate Tuesdays.
On Monday I still have the relaxed feel of the weekend. I'm a little tired, but it isn't too bad. I can handle it.
Tuesdays, though?
One day past the weekend and still an entire week left to go; it seems to LOOM ahead. It feels like an endless quest to get to Friday afternoon.
Wednesday is hump day... at least you know the rest of the week is downhill so to speak, but Tuesdays? They. just. suck. It is just far enough away from the past weekend that you can remember how much you enjoyed it, but the next weekend is still soooo far.
Uggggg! I hate Tuesdays!
The ONLY saving grace is American Idol tonight and then LOST IS BACK tomorrow night!
6 years ago
I so agree! Tuesday's are just a bad reminder of all the things I didn't get done Monday and now have one less day to get done before the week ends again.
Man, I had forgotten about Lost's return! Thanks for the reminder!
Chris, Chris, Chris... keep coming back. I'll keep you updated on the television happenings.
Yeah. It's like that. Sad.
I'm SO excited for Lost. And now that it's at 10pm, I don't have to record to watch later. Wahoo!
we got to wait a bit longer for Lost over here boo hoo you lucky people! hey wednesday is Hump day over here i think hump might have yet another meaning lol
Oh man! I can NOT wait until LOST returns! I actually missed most of Heroes last night.
Wednesday's are my favourite day. It means that you are 1/2 way through the week. Plus, you know, Lost and Jericho. What more could you ask for?
I have to agree with you about Mondays, however, I decided to take yesterday off since we were havng people over for the Super Bowl and I didn't want to worry about a hangover in case we decided to get wild. Yesterday was even better becauseI watched Heroes. I love it.
Were you surprised who the cheerleaders daddy was? I was a little. I thought maybe her adopted dad was really her dad. Oh well. I love that show.
Haven't gotten into Lost. Maybe one of these days I'll catch up after the season is over and start but I hate programs that are on at 10:00 and I don't have Tivo or my VCR plugged up.
You suck. I never watched AI before EVER...now I am HOOKED thanks TO YOU...therefore YOU SUCK....giggle...and your recap last week was lame....giggle...I expect so much more out of you. I need the quips and the sarcastic banter to talk intelligently about it with my ILs [no...Marni..I don't know why that is...] but c'mon....
So you get ME hooked on the lamest show on TV [oh and SKH is so hooked he body slammed me to change the channel..'kay...just saying]...and now, NOW you flake and you wait for the REAL contestants? Was I supposed to know this? I thought the lame O round was part of the fun? SIGGGGGHGHGHHGHHHHHH....
What is a girl to do?
You do I meant the previous post with LOVE don't you?...and a palm tree, right? Plastic, but a palm tree nonetheless.....
Andi: I was blown away by Claire's dad. Others predicted it,but I didn't see it coming. I LOVE that show!
Skip: You're welcome. What can I say! You are invested until the end now. Trust me... it gets crazy!
Bring on those palm trees honey!
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