As I sat in traffic for 12586524863456 hours on Friday I started wondering about something...
Why is it when you are in the far left lane that has NO exits to contend with, NO traffic lights, and NO reason for it to stop -- it does? While the other three lanes zip right on by!
The rule should be... far left lane = go. Period
6 years ago
Don't know about you, but the rule in my life seems to be [whatever lane I'm in] = slowest. This applies to the checkout at grocery stores, too.
here here invisible lizard, you took the words right out of my mouth!
I know why
because people suck.
It obviously comes from the same Rules of the Road handbook that says [Yield means come to a complete stop so the people behind you have to slam on their brakes to avoid ending up in your back seat]. Ugh!
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