My Daily Reads

My Peeps

Love Around the World


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Aren't people funny looking?

I was eating lunch today and doing one of my favorite past times -- people watching. I love to compare people to celebrities or other folks. I have uncovered that in our cafeteria we have dead ringers for Jack Nicholson, Rick Moranis, a pekignese, and one guy that I call "Hitler Beetle" (he has a moustache like Hitler and a Paul McCartney mop-top from the early days). I know the last one is probably not PC, but it is SO true. There is even one guy that looks like his head and face are too small for his body - told my friend that was watching with me that he should have been in Beetlejuice!

And what is it with rat-tails?! I thought they went out in the 80s? Can someone PLEASE tell the larger, slobby gentlemen that having a little wisp on hair on the back of the neck does not look sexy, nor does it make you look 20 years younger? AND, the majority of these men are bald on top! It looks like their hair is sliding backwards off their head!

One guy has a ponytail that goes to the middle of his back and it is BRAIDED! OMG! Does his wife do that for him? Does she think it looks good? Does she say "Ooooh, come here big guy! Let me braid that for you?" Gross!!!!!! I want to tap him on the shoulder and say "Look - not sexy... cut it."

Oh - I am being so ugly today! I can't help it...


Paulo said...

Rat tails? Seriously? I don't think I've seen one of those in 10 years. You must really be out in the sticks, I'm guessing.

Marni said...

I am actually in Atlanta! Can you believe it?!

Cup said...

We have a guy here at my office (and I adore him) who has yet to leave the sartorial seventies - feathered hair, polyester slacks, few natural fibers in his shirts, stacked-heel shoes. We can't help but wonder where he's still getting his clothes. I'd share a photo, but I like him too much to be caught mocking him.

Marni said...

We have one of those, too, and we call him the Porn Star...

Cup said...

Maybe it's an EEO requirement that each company must have 70s Man among the staff.

DJ Andi said...

You forgot about the guy who looks like Sean Connery - a current day Sean. He cracks me up. He's a grumpy old thing, probably like the real guy.