My Daily Reads

My Peeps

Love Around the World


Friday, July 30, 2010


Dear J-man,

Like I did for your sister's birthday, I need to write this a couple of days early. We have a busy, busy weekend ahead of us and I didn't want to miss the opportunity to make you squirm.


You turn 15 on Sunday. FIFTEEN. I cannot believe that sweet, little, drooling baby boy has turned into such a handsome, funny, intelligent guy.

When we found out that you were going to be a boy, I remember freaking out a little. I didn't know the first thing about boys. What would you play with? Would you bring frogs and snakes into my house? How would we handle dating and girls? Oh, and POTTY TRAINING?! Sheesh.

I need not worry. You and your dad have just taken me by the hand and led me down the right path. And I have loved almost every minute of it.

You have to admit we have had our challenges. Your ADHD, the surgeries, school, my stubborness and other issues. But through it all I have never stopped loving you. Or being so, so, so proud of you. Anything that has been thrown at you, you have taken it, mulled it over, talked it out, and come to your decisions. Whether right or wrong, they have been your decisions and you firmly stand behind them.

That is a great trait.

And now that you are beginning high school, I hope you can keep that trait alive. You are going to face a lot in the next four years. It ain't the same ol' ballgame. But, like I told you the other day, I am very proud of the man I see in you. You are truly maturing into someone that people will look up to and want to be around.

We get nothing but compliments on you. When they realize we are "J-man's parents", we are always told how polite you are. They always say you are a good kid and that you are so funny. That makes me happy.

You amaze me kid. When God made you, he broke the mold. You are unique and I am so glad you are mine.

Happy Birthday (on Sunday). I hope you enjoy the day and everything your future has in store.

I love you,



skippymom said...

that is so sweet marni :) i can't believe he is going to be in high school - i remember when he was just a wee one in elementary school.

where does the time go?

please wish j-man a very happy birthday from all of us. hope he has a great day.

[cute pic! and no kidding he is tall!]

Becky said...

Marni. that was such a sweet letter to the J-man. He's gotta be a good kid, you and hubby raised him up right. Hope you all have a wonderful birthday celebration for the J-man. Happy Birthday, J-man!!