Theory of a Deadman kicks some serious ass. They rock. Trust.
The lead singer looks like a cross between Zach Quinto (Sylar from Heroes) and Ben Affleck... he now sits atop my top 5 list. The dude is HOT.
I want to see them next year when they open for Motley Crue. I MUST be there for that one.

Framing Hanley was meh - take 'em or leave 'em. They covered Lil' Wayne's Lollipop which was good, but that was about all they had going for them. They just tried to be loud.
The crowd was fascinating. There were two kids about J-man's age and then there were men my Dad's age. There were a lot of cougars and young sorority girls. It was a cool mix. But there were TONS of douchebags trying to pick up hot chicks. I wanted to puke just watching them. I want those guys to catch a clue -- they are gross. Not sexy... gross.
So today my ears are ringing and I'm working on four hours sleep. Ahhhh -- brings back memories of the good ol' days.
I can't wait to go to bed tonight.
I am glad you had a great time.
You do know your last sentence gives your age away, don't you? giggle....
Hugs - hang in there - bed is only a mere 13-14 hrs away ;D
He's younger looking in person! Quite cute. They walked past us at the Junos last spring and I gotta tell you, his hair was epic. Not many guys can pull off the pompadour!
Did Carl have fun?
I am so jealous you got to see them, Heidi. I lurv that boy's hair!
Cindy: He had a ball. I was the designated driver, so he and his buddy got their drink on. It was quite an experience -- to say the least.
Sounds like you really had a blast. A Sylar look alike in person, he is a hottie. Never hurts to look at the menu ! Keeps you young. Thanks for you commnet on my pitiful blog. Not cleaning at the moment, taking a break to catch up with new blog friends.
Oh my goodness, I must really be getting old. The thought of attending a rock concert makes me cringe!
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