My Daily Reads

My Peeps

Love Around the World


Monday, November 12, 2007

Perfect timing

Now - on top of everything else that is going on - my car decides to crap on me. I was going to get coffee yesterday and it started shaking after I cranked it up. I thought it was just cold so I headed out...

the check engine light came on.


I drove it back home (hadn't even made it out of the neighborhood) and parked it. Cranked it again in the afternoon and nothing happened. All was well.

Just went to crank it this morning and the light came on again.

I'm stuck.

How am I going to pay for this one?

Update: The car only needs a tune up! Of course that is money we don't really have, but it is better than spending $15,000+ on a new car!!!!! Phew.


CindyDianne said...

I SO feel your pain. We had a day last week where my truck wouldn't start. So, I told the teenager that I would take him to school in his car and deal with my truck. That way I would have a vehicle... his car wouldn't start.

Lisa said...

As the queen of everyfreakinthingkeepsbreakingdownonme... I feel your pain. :(

whatevergirl said...

Don't you hate car trouble!! Because if your husband isn't a mechanic, you get ripped off every time! And, I agree with Lisa, EVERYTHING breaks at the same time!
Hope it's something simple (cross fingers)

SkippyMom said...

You would be surprised about the chcek engine light. Sometimes it comes on merely because your airbags need to be checked [seriously] or as a maintanence update. . .I wish you lived closer 'cause we have some really honest mechanics up this way - not all are crooks I guess - but as in life, see if you can get a second opinion [like one from your dealership and one from your local guy, maybe?]

Good luck - and I hope it is just something simple - and if it makes you feel any better - Skippyhusband drives a 1995 Chevy Blazer SUV and his check engine light has been on for about 9 months b/c that is just the nature of that particular vehicle - it comes on when there is nothing wrong and won't go off! Swear!

Burfica said...

yeah I guess you wouldn't want to do what I do. If the problem isn't obvious, or it's not stalling on me. I just drive with the dam light on. hehehehe

Marni said...

Wish I could but the car is shaking like crazy. It hasn't had an official tune up since we bought it so we are hoping it is a simple fix.

Carl works with the city mechanic and he has a shop "on the side" and we trust him. We are taking it to him tonight and he'll hopefully have it fixed in a jiffy. Keep your fingers crossed!

raine said...

Our vehicle has lights that go on with big emergency signs even when it's just for routine servicing!Hope it's nothng major.

ccw said...

Ah, the joy!

Mr. MFBA called me this evening to come rescue him because the battery died. It took us 3 stops to jump it to get it the few miles home. Unfortunately, we know it's not the battery so we will probably be spending a bunch of money just in time for the holidays.

I'm wondering if I can serve jumper cables instead of turkey?

CindyDianne said...

oh good! It is so better than the alternative.

Canadian flake said...

I swear I can relate...a while back we took our van in for an oil change that ended up costing us $2500...oil was GOLD I think..lmao.