My Daily Reads

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Love Around the World


Monday, October 22, 2007


Dumbledore, the (ahem) headmaster of Hogwarts is GAY! Oh yes... he is!

Now that crazy woman here in GA will be working even harder to ban the books. First she wants them gone because they are full of witchcraft and wizardry and NOW there is a gay character as well! Blasphemy!

I, for one, love it.

J.K. Rowling is a flippen genius. She knows how to keep her books in the spotlight - even months after the final book is written, published, and breaking records.

Genius I tell ya.


Coffeypot said...

He must have been in the closet, because there was nothing in the books that even hinted that he was gay.

I think she just said that as an off the cuff remark to appease an often ask question.

But, of course he only wore robes (for easier access, I guess.)

Marni said...

Read the article... she has her own little world floating in that head of hers. She knew he was gay all along and hinted at it at some point in time. She just never made it obvious.

Biddie said...

OMG. Are you serious?? What next?
I, for one, really wouldn't care if he was gay...Although, I think that the very idea is absurd. Unless there were explicit sex scenes in the book (gay, or otherwise), I would never stop my kids from reading her books.
Honestly, I think that just getting some kids to read at all is amazing. Enough with the censorship.
Maybe the crazy lady is gay and can't deal with it? Just saying.

Martha said...

Hi Marni! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I just checked out yours and had to comment that the whole gay Harry Potter character had me laughing. And for all the people who complain about Harry Potter having links to evilness, I just say, "Whatever!"

raine said...

I love it!

ccw said...

I never noticed.

Wouldn't you love to spend a day in her head?

ccw said...

Oh, and LOL at coffeypot.

Cup said...

Since I've never read the books, I can't give an opinion. But it was a smart stroke on her part.

CindyDianne said...

I have a problem with this after the fact release of information that is apparently just for more press time - especially when it deals with books that children read. I guess I should put some thought to how best to express my problem with it...

Heidi the Hick said...

I love it that she knows her characters so well- even stuff that doesn't make it into the books! That's been really helpful to me. Makes my brain my crowded but that's nothing new. (It's really a mess in there...)

Heidi the Hick said...

I read in an article that she hadn't planned to reveal that detail because there was no reason to...until a screenwriter on the next movie wrote a scene where Dumbledore was going on and on about some young lady from his past. She had to correct that.

I didn't catch it when I read the books. She says there are a few hints that kids probably won't get, but that a few adults might. Maybe I'm too straight?

Marni said...

I didn't catch it either.

KLee said...

I never thought about Dumbledore's sexuality one way or the other -- which, in my opinion, is the way it SHOULD be.

We never think about the sexuality of any of the characters, really, when you come to think about it. We obviously make the conclusion that someone is straight if they're married to a person of the opposite sex, but we never tend to think any deeper than that.

I don't care that Dumbledore is gay. Though, I do think his having once been in love with Gellert Grindelwald (if you've read the books [book 7 specifically], you'll know who I mean) shows bad taste on his part. It just reinforces his iron-clad desire to triumph over Evil in the end, and why Dumbledore could never be seduced by the dark side.

If nothing else, like you said -- it's got people talking, hasn't it? Which, I agree with you, is exactly what Rowling wanted.

Canadian flake said...

well she is surely skilled at keeping her books in the limelight. I am not a fan but the gremlins love them.