My Daily Reads

My Peeps

Love Around the World


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Sinus infection

J-man has gone to spend the night with a friend tonight... that means it is GNO at Pug Manor! Girls Night Out! (Carl is working)

Bug and I went to dinner and then to Best Buy. We weren't going to buy anything. Honest! But there was a game she really wanted for her Nintendo and one her brother wanted for his X-box, and - lo and behold - a CD that I really wanted to hear! So much for browsing.

As we paid for our stuff, Bug was giving me some strange looks. Our cashier was an extremely effeminant sounding boy and Bug has never talked to or been around someone where it was that noticable.

On the way out the door she said, "Mama, was that a boy or a girl?"

M: It was a boy, honey.

B: He talked funny.

M: I know. Some people sound that way, though!

B: Yeah... maybe he has a sinus infection or something.

I had to hold in my laugh... such innocence in that girl!


Canadian flake said...

lol this is totally tooooooo funny...sounds like something my son would have said

thanks for the giggles.

Jodi said...

My 7 yr. old would have asked the cashier point-blank, "What's wrong with your voice?" Yeah, he's that subtle.

Thanks for the compliment on my picture.
