My Daily Reads

My Peeps

Love Around the World


Tuesday, October 16, 2007


OK - the excitement is over. Now I can tell you - even though it didn't come out the way I had hoped.

My celebrity crush was in town tonight at Lowe's (a hardware store), and Carl, the kids, and I went to see him. I had hoped to talk to him, touch him (at least on the shoulder), stand next to him, and listen to his smooth, deep voice.

I got to do one of those things... listen to his voice.

We waited in line for 2 hours and still had at least an hour to go but we were STARVING. This was the line we were in.

He is in that little pointy tent you see in the distance.

I was getting cranky, the kids were getting cranky so we decided to leave. BUT I got some really good pictures of him.

Who is it?

Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs... look at him!

Here he is signing an autograph for a kid. Look at him! He is ruggedly good looking. And the dimples! OMG!!!

I told Carl I felt like the paprazzi taking this one. I was squatting down about 3 feet from his table saying "Mike! Mike!" and he turned... toward me... but looked past me. I wish you could see how BLUE his eyes are! They are beautiful!

One thing I needed to see was just how tall he was. I was going to be devastated if he was my height or - heaven forbid - shorter than me. I'm pleased to announce he is tall... and built oh, so nice.

When he lifted his arm to reach in this box for a raffle drawing I thought I would faint. It made my toes curl... he is so freakin' handsome! At one point he was talking into the mike and casually placed his hand on his stomach. I had to turn around and walk away... it was almost too much.

So... that was my exciting night. I didn't get to talk to Mike, but I got to see him up close and in person. I got to hear him chat with folks and he is a genuine person... he was awesome with the kids and flirted with the ladies. He made people laugh and some folks swoon (like me). All the women that I talked to all said the same thing, "He is much more handsome in person!"

I think I'll crush on him a while longer....


Jodi said...

Ooh, he IS sexy. I can see why you have a crush. I would have wanted to touch him.....(wink)

I'm glad you got to see him.


katy said...

three feet away from him and you didnt stumble into him you need training for the next time lol.
you lucky girl though

raine said...

And he does "dirty jobs.."

Cup said...

NO! You kept this a secret from me, another Rowe-loving girl who wants to do his dirty jobs? Shame on you! And lucky you.

Drier said...

But what did he smell like?

Lisa said...

Never seen the show, or heard of him, but looking at his pics he does seem to have a certain bit of yummy to him. ;)

Marni said...

Hoosier: YUM-O

Indoors: Can you give me the proper training?

Rain: *** daydreaming ***

Beth: I'll call you if the opportunity arises agin - promise

Drier: Unfortunately, I didn't get THAT close

Lisa: Watch him and you will be hooked... he is so flippen sexy

Anonymous said...

i heart him alot... he is sooooooo adorable and cute and sexy and handsome and well damn it all a nice looking guy... very easy on the eyes if I say so myself...

Heidi the Hick said...

Oh Marni, you crack me up!

Because I'm like that too!

"At one point he was talking into the mike and casually placed his hand on his stomach. I had to turn around and walk away... it was almost too much."

Valerie said...


I am sooooooo jealous. He is too too cute.

Biddie said...

So, did he ask about me?

Coffeypot said...

Your step-brother, Steven, and his fiancé stayed in the line and got to meet him (Steven shook his hand.) He said that Mike stayed till all the people in line got a chance at him. He was suppose to stay until 7:00 but ended up staying till 11:00 p.m. That is class. Sure not like Miley Cyrus, or some other star, huh?

Canadian flake said...

hmmmmmm will you ban me for life if I admit that I have NO idea who this is??? I will admit he is a cutie

Marni said...

I won't ban you... but you have to find his show "Dirty Jobs" and watch an episode. I promise you - you will be hooked. AND you will love Mike.

Melinda June said...

I am totally with you on this one. Mike Rowe is complete perfection.

GrizzBabe said...

I had no idea who Mike Rowe was before this post but I agree...he is hot!