The past couple of nights he has whined to be let out of his cage to go potty. Last night (or should I say this morning) he woke me up at 1 a.m. and then made me crawl out of bed again at 1:30 a.m.; then he did the same thing at 4 and 4:30. After his last request, I just left him and Dozer in the backyard and proceeded to get ready for work.
When his whining first started I didn't know if it was Grim or Dozer. Then I heard Dozer snore. No denying that!!! It was Grim -- without a doubt. Plus, when I opened the crate door, Grim shot out of there like a cannon and didn't even wait for me at the top of the stairs. He was pacing back and forth at the door. Bless his heart.
When I told Carl about it (he worked last night) he said that Grim woke him up around noon yesterday. Carl said "I told him I'll show you! and left both of them in the backyard until I woke up!"
Grim is eating and drinking normally -- I think. He does seem to be drinking a little more but I attributed it to the hot weather.
I think I'll keep an eye on my baby... and also get him to the vet.
Poor puppers. I hope that it's nothing, but I think that I would take him to the vet, too. It could be a sign of diabetes. Hopefully, it's nothing big.........
I know... I thought of that this morning. If he has a bad night tonight I may work from home tomorrow so he can go to the vet.
Well, keep me posted, k?
Porkchop is having issues, too, but she is just old. Dunno what to do with her. She pees in the house, no matter how many times a day I let her out. I know that her eyesight is failing, and her little knees are sore, but dang, it's hard not to be angry with her sometimes.
Don't mess around. I had a friend recently lose her dog to a weird ailment.
Awww. Poor little guy. Fingers crossed that it's nothing to worry about.
Um ... dare I ask which of mommy's toys Grimmy's playing with?
I keep my toys in a drawer thankyouverymuch! That is one of their favorite squeeky chew toys.
Took him to the vet... nothing seems to be wrong. He can't have anything to eat for the next 24 hours and I have to give him an immodium pill every 12 hours. Sheesh...
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