I don't like this weather. You humans can put on a coat and shoes to walk outside. I can't. Well, I could, but I think I look silly so I REFUSE to wear that stuff. Guess I shouldn't complain, but I'm going to.
It is cold. I go outside to do my - ahem - business and my toes hurt. My fur gets all cold and all I want to do is come in and cuddle with mom. When I can't do that (because she has to go someplace she calls "work"), I settle for a blanket on our couch. It's not nearly as good as mom's lap but, hey, it smells like her... and it's warm... and I can get to the food.
What does Grimmy think about it? Who cares?
Oh... you do...
He feels the same way I do. But he likes to get on the bed and snuggle under the covers. He roots around until his head and body are under them; all you can see is his tail. I don't like for him to do that so if I can get up on the bed (it's hard for me and my rotund little body), I bark at him until he moves. It takes a while, and mom or dad fuss at me a lot to stop, but eventually he gets tired of hearing from me and moves. Then I jump on him and bite his ears. I think the exercise warms us up rather nicely. He just gets grumpy.
Here he is on the couch thinking he rules the house...
If Ruby could see these handsome guys, Heidi's little man would have a run for his money! SO handsome.
Thank you. They are my sweet boys...
Definitely a centerfold.
I love them. You know I do!
Mine loves the snow. As long he keeps moving, that is. As soon as he has to stand still he starts to shiver. He loves to stick his little flat face in the snow and lick it.
Do your dogs have a hard time breathing in the hot weather? Dobby can breathe but he really slows down in the summer. There was a pug on our street who weighed about 35 lbs. She could hardly take a breath. I'm trying to keep his weight down.... and that is really a challenge!!!!!
Hot weather is a bear for them. Dog's "cooling system" is their nose... Pugs don't have that long snout, so any kind of hot weather is hard on them... they can't cool off. The boys LOVE being outside but when it is hot i have to keep an eye on them and make them come in to cool down. Give him LOTS of water and put a kiddie pool out back. they love to jump in it and get wet... Dozer usually needs help though. He's too lazy and just wants you to tote him around.
Ssssh... don't let him know I told you that. :)
Cover Boy if I ever saw one! How snoogly can you get?
We found out last night [our first snow] that Spootie LOVES the snow...but refuses to go potty in it...the girls keep moving the snow over to show her GRASS! lol....
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