My Daily Reads

My Peeps

Love Around the World


Thursday, November 16, 2006

Did you ever notice...

That if there is a commercial in which a man and a woman even REMOTELY look like they are "together" they have on wedding bands?

There is a Nivea commercial where the woman in pulled into bed by her man... his ring is just a shining...

A birth control ad -- yep... need the wedding band on the woman's finger. We don't want any kiddos out there to think you can't use birth control if you aren't married. And don't show a pregnancy test commercial - or even a pregnant woman - without that circle of gold.

I even think the denture commerical where the old man and old lady are making out in the backseat of a cab shows a band! BTW - that commercial is just icky to me. I apologize if I have offended any of my gray-haired readers -- I just don't want to see you makin' out.

I think it's funny. It cracks me up. Whenever a commercial comes on with a couple, I immediately look to see if a ring is present. Have you noticed it, too?

*** Yeah - a completely random thought... it came out of the blue. ***


SkippyMom said...

Oh, I can't wait to check this out. I love noticing stuff like that. Neat random observation Marni!

Biddie said...

I haven't noticed, but I will start looking now.
I don't think that I've seen the one with the gray haired couple in the cab....

ccw said...

This has always annoyed me.

There is one pregnancy commercial that I could not find the band and it is for the woman who was happy that she was not pregnant b/c it meant she could open up her business. Of course, that just made me more angry.

Anonymous said...

I pay attention to that too.

And, even though I am in a happy relationship (not married, but together for 6 years) I still look to see if there is a band on a guys hand if I think he's hot. Weird??

Anonymous said...

I've definitely noticed that. I bet that's in "Creating Ads 101" or something!

Old Lady said...

No, but I will from now on!

Anonymous said...

As it should be!