What I didn't count on was Ozzie. I went back and forth with my feelings toward him. I'm not crazy about someone that dominates in all the challenges. I think that puts you on the chopping block - BUT when you win all the immunity challenges I guess you don't have to worry about it.
Now Becky... the one who came in third... what was up with the fire challenge? She had been on the island for 39 days and couldn't build a fire after an hour and a half? Then they had to resort to matches? (They use flint in the game so that is what they started the challenge with) That was emabarrassing! It doesn't surprise me one bit that she didn't get a single vote. She and Yul were my favorites the entire time... I'm glad they made it as far as they did.
Now all of my favorite shows are on break. TV is going to be extremely boring for the next several weeks. Guess that gives me time to get caught up on all my reading! YAY! And there is this little holiday coming up... hmmm...
BTW... saw previews for the next Amazing Race, too. It is going to be an "All Star" race with past race participants. Maybe the AR producers are still looking for the constetants for season 11?! Could Carl and I still be in the running? Nah...
I share your feelings on Ozzie and Yul. As for AR...should we hold our breath for Chip and Reichen?!
Reichen may be a little too busy with Lance to do the race again. I'm hoping the Hippies will be back along with that really awful fighting couple -- what were there names? Victoria and her hubby...
I was definitely torn between Yul and Ozzy. I don't know if I could have possibly chosen between the two of them. Like Jeff had said at the reunion show, I was actually sorry to see one of them lose. At least Ozzy ended up with the car, and the curse of the car continued!
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